Add a Supplier

You can add new and exisiting suppliers on Heims. Adding suppliers helps you keep place orders and send Purchase order via sms or email. For example, lets add a fictional supplier called Footware Warehouse CZ located in fictional CZ, China.

On the POST /api/suppliers expanded request details.

Click on Try it out button. Select Example JSON body . and Execute .

execute add supplier

Click on Try it out button and Execute . The response, if successful should be similar to the screenshot below.

execute add supplier

List of all Suppliers

You can fetch all suppliers added to Heims database. On the GET /api/suppliers expanded request details. Click on Try it out button and Execute .

execute add supplier

Click on Try it out button and Execute . The response, if successful should be similar to the screenshot below.

execute add supplier

Delete a Supplier

You can also remove a supplier. Bear in mind, this is a hard delete.

On the DELETE /api/suppliers/{supplierId} expanded request details.

Click on Try it out button, enter a value for the supplierId property click and Execute

execute add supplier

The response, if successful should be similar to the screenshot below.

execute add supplier